Meta Platforms
A place where Metaverse activists, thinkers, entrepreneurs, developers and consumers can innovate and collaborate freely to build Platforms that work for the people!
A project led by Ahmed Sallam and DeepSAFE Technology®
Project goal is to ensure that Meta Platforms technologies are designed and developed based on solid humanely foundations that meet people's health, safety, protection and security guidelines, principles, precautions and measures. The effort would cover the social, cultural and possibly the religious aspects of metaverse platforms. One core goal would be to study the mental health implications of metaverse experiences upon its users specifically adolescents along with the proper measures, and precautions to be followed.
Project goal is to ensure that Meta Platforms technologies are designed and developed based on solid humanely foundations that meet people's health, safety, protection and security guidelines, principles, precautions and measures. The effort would cover the social, cultural and possibly the religious aspects of metaverse platforms. One core goal would be to study the mental health implications of metaverse experiences upon its users specifically adolescents along with the proper measures, and precautions to be followed.
Get started, learn, study, share and inspire.
Get started, learn, study, share and inspire.